Sunday, November 14, 2010

David strolls through Florence

Il David
Today, the replica of Michelangelo's statue of David took a stroll in Florence, from the Piazza del Duomo through the centro storico to Piazza della Signoria. The procession was lead by a cavalcade of men in medieval costumes, and I was there from beginning to end. It was quite spectacular!

The event started in the morning, but it took all day for the statue to travel from Piazza del Duomo to Piazza Signoria, as it was slowww going. I can usually walk the same distance in five minutes. 

First, they created a stand for him to ride on, then stabilized the statue with wooden scaffolding.

A view from behind

Mayor Renzi arrives (the young guy in the middle), along with crowds of onlookers.

Then the parade started. Step by slow step, they accompanied David on his journey.
Arrival in Piazza Signoria. The crowd goes wild!
A memorable night in Piazza Signoria
It's hard to describe the impact this event had on me. In fact the entire weekend was an experience I will long remember as a call to creativity and finding the courage and determination to follow your heart.

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